Support the club – VAT deduction

Support Hedensted Golf Club with a voluntary contribution of at least DKK 200, and get a full tax deduction for your contribution.

If it succeeds in getting at least 100 people to contribute at least DKK 200, the club can apply for a partial refund of VAT. In 2020, the club received a refund of more than DKK 150,000 in this way, in addition to the more than DKK 20,000 that the club received in contributions.

The money goes undiminished to improvements on the field – the money there possibly. reimbursed this year specifically for continuing the project of renovating all of the club’s bunkers.

Make your contribution here

Click on the image to the right and give your voluntary contribution. You will be asked to enter the CPR number to be used as documentation to SKAT, and to ensure that you receive your automatic deduction.

The minimum contribution is 200 DKK to comply with the requirements from SKAT, but you have the opportunity to give more than this on the product page, where you can enter your own amount greater than 200 DKK.

Frivilligt bidrag til momsrefusion

200 kr.

Støt klubben med et frivilligt bidrag på mindst 200 DKK – Hvis mindst 100 personer gør dette, får klubben delvis refusion af momsbetalingen. I 2020 lykkedes det os på denne måde at få mere end 150.000 DKK til klubben. Alle pengene går ubeskåret til forbedring af banerne – i år specifikt til fortsættelse af projektet med renovering af bunkerne med nyt sand og dræn. Her kan du donere 200 kr., du kan også donere 200 kr. eller mere på MobilePay nummer 29118 – husk at angive dit CPR nummer som bemærkning til betalingen.

Husk at angive dit CPR nummer herunder da dette er krævet af SKAT at vi skal dokumentere hvem der har givet bidragene.