Around the club – part 2

By board member Juul Andersen   I am 63 years old and live with Aase in the scenic area around our golf course with partial views of the driving range, holes 1, 8, 9, 10 and 18 and the short hole course hole 1. At the general meeting this year, I was elected to the…

Take care of our neighbors

When you hit long strokes on the driving range, you need to pay extra attention to our neighbors. If your drive lands in their garden, it is not only a nuisance, but can be downright dangerous. Therefore, make sure to strike long blows in the direction in which the mats are mounted and there should…

We are looking for a greenkeeper

Hedensted Golfklub is looking for a machine operator / greenkeeper About Hedensted Golf Club: Hedensted Golf Club is a challenging and hilly golf course with 27 holes spread over an 18-hole course, as well as a 9-hole rated short-hole course. We have more than 1,100 members and we are a club that is in positive…

Around the club – part 1

By chairman Niels Peter Purup Madsen   Dear members, In the coming months, we from the board have planned to publish a few articles that will escape the activities here in the club. The purpose of this is to give you as a member a better insight into some of what the club and board…

New tees

The club has purchased 22 brand new tees, and thus all the tees on the driving range are now with new mats. The first 2 levels of the driving range are with standard mats, and the upper plateau and the tee shed are with premium mats. In addition, the Pro studio as well as the…

Autumn trip to Cadiz, Spain

Go to Cadiz with Hedensted Golf Club and Anders Schmidt Hansen 12-19 October. The trip is semi-all inclusive and includes 5 rounds on the fantastic courses Novo Sancti Petri A and B all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. You can read more about the trip by clicking here

Beginner makes Hole-in-one

Last night, Grede Schultz managed to make Hole in One on the 9-hole course hole 3. Already an impressive achievement, but even more impressive when Grede goes on the beginner team, and played from hcp. 51.4! After just shaking off the good experience on the next holes, Grede continued the good shoal and ended up…